Harepath Road, Seaton

 Location:  Seaton, Devon
Client: Kilo Properties Ltd
Status:  Planning

Kilo Properties’ retail proposal for a site situated on Harepath Road, Seaton, Devon is the product of a long-term desire by M&S Food to be located in the town as well as the development of a site that has been allocated for employment uses in the local plan, for the past 25 years. The project aims to transform a parcel of allocated land into a vibrant retail led mixed-use development, aligning with the long-standing policy allocation, and providing valuable new employment opportunities in the area. 

The proposed scheme seeks full consent for two retail units with a combined area of almost 50,000 sqft, complemented by associated site access, parking, and landscaping. Additionally, outline consent is pursued for a new restaurant and electric vehicle charging station - reflecting a forward-thinking approach to sustainable development.

Several challenges needed to be considered during the initial stages of design. The topography of the site falls by almost 7 metres away from the road and needed to be resolved to accommodate large footprint retail units and associated parking. An adjacent application for a new residential development, which is against local policy, was considered so that our design worked in both scenarios, where the adjoined scheme does or does not receive a consent.

The design rationale of the scheme is rooted in an understanding of the local context, characterised by rigorous site analysis and extensive pre-application dialogue with East Devon District Council's planning team and full public consultation. The layout prioritises pedestrian accessibility, with dedicated footpaths and cycle paths connecting the development to Harepath Road and surrounding areas. It also ensures clear visual navigation and concealment of service areas behind the buildings, away from public view.

The mass and the location of built form aligns with the location of buildings on the adjacent industrial estate and are sited at the lowest point, to assist with mitigating visual impact from the road. Materials selected for the scheme include appropriately coloured metal cladding with clearly defined building entrances formed of full height pale brickwork porticos, with inset local stone feature panels. Each shop front is fully glazed to provide an activated view of each, from Harepath Road.

Central to the project's vision is its commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship. Leveraging modern methods of construction (MMC) and incorporating photovoltaic panels, the development aims to better building regulation requirements, embrace a "fabric-first" approach to energy conservation, and meeting a BREEAM rating of very good. Furthermore, the scheme prioritises biodiversity through the retention of existing trees and landscaping enhancements and will achieve a 10% net gain - ensuring harmony with the natural surroundings.

The proposed development not only serves as a gateway to Seaton but also as a catalyst for economic growth and community enrichment. By providing new employment opportunities, including a high-quality food store and retail outlets, the scheme contributes to the town's vitality and resilience. Moreover, the integration of sustainable transport links and accessibility features fosters inclusivity and promotes healthier, more connected communities.

The redevelopment scheme on Harepath Road epitomises a harmonious blend of contemporary design, environmental consciousness, and community-centric development. Rooted in a deep appreciation of Seaton's heritage and guided by principles of sustainability and inclusivity, the project represents a transformative endeavour that not only revitalises an underutilised site but also lays the foundation for a prosperous and vibrant future for Seaton and its residents.



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